Should you Open Carry or Concealed carry?

This post will be on the darker side of my usual writing because this subject is still fresh in my mind.

I’m currently writing at a coffee shop downtown, americano in hand and a man walked in with his pistol open carried on his holster. 

Pretty cool. 

But it reminded me of a harsh reality that is something to be aware of.

Many times in life it is good to have a show of power. 

It is a good thing to be a deterrent for those who would seek to do harm.

To protect those around you.

But unfortunately it also paints a target on your back. 

You stand out and the wrong sort of people take notice.

Last year, a friend of mine who would often open carry was working on his laptop in a park when a teenage gang dared on of their members to take his gun.

The kid went ahead with it, a struggle ensued, shots were fired and at the end of it my friend Miles was dead.

The guy who shot him at the time was still a minor but now he’s of age to hopefully be convicted for his crimes. What a sad sorry piece of shit.

Anyways I can’t change the past. There is nothing that we can do except try and prevent this from ever happening again.

For me, I always conceal carry instead. I don’t like to openly display force. I do have an advantage of being 6 foot 2 and over 220 pounds but still, I would rather not stand out if I can avoid it.

If you choose to open carry please do so with the utmost caution. I frankly think it’s not a risk that anyone should take. 

You can still carry your gun all you want just out of sight from the wrong eyes.

Hopefully you never need it. But as they say, it’s better to have one and not need it than need it and not have it.

I hope this article reaches the right people. Either way be safe out there. There are evil people out there that wish to do you and your family harm.

It’s your duty to protect them. Be smart about it my friend.

Rest in peace Miles. I know we weren’t that close but I will make sure your legacy lives on and that others can learn from what you taught us.

Until next time.

Your man

-Spencer Claeys

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