How to be great.

Do great work for the sake of doing the work.

That one statement might take you years to understand, I know it did for me.

But once you fully comprehend this your life now takes on a whole new meaning.

Great work that benefits people and helps humanity is what this Earth desires more than anything else.

But it is always hidden behind the waiting that all great work must endure before people see its greatness.

Most people get caught in the trap of the short term.

Social media, their 9-5, moving into an old house.

You’re building on something that has already been done.

You’re not adding anything new to this world.

It wasn’t until yesterday that I understood I want to build my own house someday.

I want something that no one else has ever seen and something that is great.

I want to write a great novel. Something that has never been thought of before me and it wasn’t until I sat down and did the work that it came to life.

All of these things are such that most men never care for because they aren’t builders.

They never do anything original. They copy, they seek short term rewards and yet they wonder why they don’t feel happy. 

Why they’re not fulfilled.

Hell they could even be making alot of money, but some of those folks are the most miserable of them all. Many times these people have sold their souls and now they have no way to buy it back.

Selling your soul always comes at a hidden price. It’s funny because this is the thing most people misunderstand about money and happiness.

It is true when they say money doesn’t buy happiness. But it is also true that money is the most made up and useless thing in the world.

It is only when you earn money for great work. That is what makes you happy.

You really think those scam artists gurus on social media flexing their lamborghinis are happy?

The crypto nerds?

Or the people who sell their bodies to the porn industry?

“Oh but they have lots of money so they must be happy!”


Money that you got from selling your soul will never make you happy.

This is often why you see many rich people giving to charities later in life. They are trying to get a shred of dignity back. Through these alms they hope to get a bit of happiness and some of their soul back.

But by then it is too late.

They never did anything great in their life.

They never built anything. Don’t you see?

Who are the people of history that we actually remember.

Those who did what had never been done before. Those who brought their own crazy vision to life.

Many of them died poor as well. This is because many of them knew the first part of the equation of happiness but were not around long enough for the second part.

Do the great work then get paid.

Back then there were usually few ways to get paid for your work. 

They didn’t have this brilliant work of science and art known as the internet.

But you do.

So get to it my friend.

Build something great. A business. A book. A youtube channel. A movie. A building. A family.

Build something the likes of which the world has never seen.

Then promote the hell out of it and get paid.

This is the key to life and it is how you will die a fulfilled man. Someone people will remember for decades if not centuries.

A man who made this Earth a better place not because of some self righteous thing that people deserve but because the work you choose is great and needs to be done.

Do the great work my friend. 

It is all that matters in this life.

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