A Powerful Law Of The Universe

A lot of times, success is like chopping down a tree.

Each individual tree can be seen as a battle for something you want in your life.

A business that makes $10k a month

Benching 315

Getting that special lady.

It could be anything that takes work, that takes effort. And for example, let’s compare it to a big fir tree you need to hit it 250 times with your axe before it will fall.

250 hits and the tree falls over, you get the result, the win and you move on to the next challenge.

But what happens if you stop at axe swing number 245?

No matter how well you did swinging the axe for the first 99% of the time, if you quit too early, you might as well not have taken a single swing.

This is another law of the universe.

Great action can be taken with something but if you don’t see it through or finish, it doesn’t matter how much time or effort you spent on something. If you stop at 245 swings you don’t get the result.

I’ve seen this in my own life many times. When I was trying to grow my Youtube channel I posted for months without seeing any results, I had something like 15 subscribers even though I had posted dozens of videos, my tree hadn’t fallen yet.

Then one fateful day I posted the right video. This one went on to get millions of views and catapulted my channel into the ‘success’ (however you define that word) it is today.

It’s the same thing. If I had quite posting videos ONE video too early, I would never have seen the result of months of work.

So if you’re working on your business and yourself right now and things might seem tough, like you’ve been doing it for too long without seeing any outcome, remember you might just be one swing away from success.

Don’t let the little devil inside of you convince you to give up. That nagging little voice isn’t you, its your little bitch voice, the devil, the negative side of all things desperately trying to get you to quit right before you succeed.

We’ve all seen this too. The fear. The feeling like we are doing the wrong thing. 

Almost all people are controlled like little puppets by their own fears. Recognize that, and see how its impossible to operate at your true potential if you are being guided by fear.

Keep swinging your axe my friend. And when that tree falls, move on to the next and the next, and never stop.

Because we all join the Choir Invisible someday, but the day you stop swinging for your goals, you might as well already be dead.

Fuck that. Keep swinging.

Your man,

-Spencer Claeys

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