Do What I Say Not What I Do?

Perhaps you’ve heard these words before.

I know I have.

I’ve even said them myself.

But look around.

Look at all the blatant misinformation, lying, and hypocrisy that are abundant in this world.

The fact is, it’s easy to use words to manipulate.

Just look at the news. Social media. The opinions of the people around you.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the words of people who often have no idea what the fuck they’re talking about. They simply heard it regurgitated by someone else.

And look at these people. Look at who controls the media and the messages that we hear jammed down our throats.

Fat. Sick. Disgusting.

Don’t get me wrong. Having power and wealth is an awesome thing and I admire anyone who came by that honorably.

I’m talking about the talking heads and the opinions of idiots on social media who spout nonsense simply because they can. And these people even believe they are entitled to an opinion. Hilarious!

Every day I get comments and messages from people who have done NOTHING and will do NOTHING besides complain and talk shit.

The weak have always tried to drag down the strong.

But once you realize their only power is through fake lies and hollow words, it’s very apparent their thoughts and opinions mean nothing.

We as the men who are DOERS and MAKERS must never listen to those who have never done so.

In fact, the better we ourselves can learn to stop speaking and let our actions do the talking the better off the world will be.

The world needs men like you now more than ever.

So keep creating.

Keep building.

And don’t give a single fuck about what anyone else has to say.

Much less anyone who is NOT someone you look up to, respect and DESIRE their style of life.

In fact, I almost never listen to anyone I don’t respect.

This is why you and I must strive to be men worthy of respect.

More on that later.

For now, tune out anyone who is not where you want to be.

And if someone says “do what I say, not what I do” recognize it for what it is. A blatant attempt to convince you of something that they themselves don’t really believe.

If the fat person says “do this” they by chance might have decent information but the fact is they themselves don’t believe it or they would actually put in the work to achieve it.

If the poor and stupid person says “read/watch this it’ll help you!” chances are you should run for the hills.

People’s actions never lie.

They can use their words as much as they like but look them in the eyes. At their body, and their soul. You can tell if what they say is true or not.

So keep this in mind the next time you’re dealing with a hater, friend, or “authority” figure.

If it’s not something useful.

Let their words flow in one ear and leave right out the other.

And always remember, you will never be criticized by someone doing more than you.

To your success 

Your Friend


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