How to deal with problems that would cripple most men

Life is full of problems.

As entrepreneurs, it is quite literally our JOB to fix and deal with the problems of others and as such life can get complicated FAST.

Your clients problems can bleed into your life, if they’re not happy you’re not happy and as such you need to become equipped with riding the waves of life.

I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor, but never have I been completely free of problems.

This is actually a good thing. There are absolutely such things as good problems (too many clients, too many women that want you, too much testosterone).

So as a man it’s not always about fixing every problem that arises but learning to breath and let the shit you can’t control flow past you.

If you’ve never been on a boat in the ocean before I highly recommend it.

It is a great metaphor for life.

No matter how strong, rich, powerful of a man you are the second you step foot off of dry land you become as insignificant and powerless as a feather drifting in the wind.

No man can win against the sea. All journeys are merely a temporary win.

Much like life. No one gets out of this thing alive so every battle you do win is still only a temporary win at best.

This is not to be nihilistic. Anyone who thinks you can’t accomplish great things and make the world a better place is a loser and a fool. One man can change the destiny of millions of people.

Know what all those men had in common? They didn’t run from problems.

They faced them head-on. Win, lose, or tie they kept fucking going until they either got pasted or conquered.

You can’t win them all. So much is out of your control in this world and to think otherwise is dooming yourself to a lifetime of disappointment.

So what is the point of this article?

The point is that sometimes shit doesn’t go your way.

Not much you can do about it.

But you can only really judge a man by the size of his problems.

So, instead of running from problems and stress, meet it headfirst.

Challenge it and give it your best, win or lose and keep fucking going.

That is all one can really do in this short life we have.

So get after it with those problems my friend!

Your man,

Spencer Claeys

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