A quote that forever changed how I viewed my customers was
“The bad customers are just the price you pay for good customers”
And I’ve absolutely found this to be true.
I’ve had customers that tipped me over $200 for just a couple hours of work.
And customers that would only give me half of what I would have normally charged
Some that nitpick every detail, and some that couldn’t care less and hire me multiple times a year.
So we all know that ‘the customer is always right” is horseshit.
But at the end of the day it is YOUR responsibility.
It’s up to you to determine what you will tolerate.
You need to be paying attention to what type of customers you attract.
And CONSTANTLY be positioning yourself as the best.
The easiest way to do this is to be in high demand and have a long waiting line of customers chomping at the bit to work with you.
People can always tell if your service is valuable or not.
A good example is a restaurant.
Do you want to go to the empty restaurant that doesn’t have a single soul inside?
Or the one that is packed to the brim with a waiting list and line outside?
Position your business as the best, and the best customers will come to you.