Today I was on Instagram checking the progress of a recent video I posted (it was doing quite well) and of course, I couldn’t help but scroll a bit on that damnable app.
I saw a guy talking about SEO and as I love learning more about that topic and this guy generally has good information I watched his 45-second reel.
The video was pretty well done and I learned a bit, but something about the guy rubs me the wrong way.
Something is just off about him. And in that moment I knew I would never hire this guy to do work for me and I have no concrete reason why. It’s not that I don’t like the guy, just that something feels off.
I’m sure for some people he’s the bee’s knees, they like his geekiness but for me, I don’t resonate at all with that character. I like men who I can respect, anything less and it is very unlikely I will listen to or hire you.
I rarely ever listen to anyone unless they are more rich or jacked than I am. Even then very few are both at the same time. As men we are hierarchical and naturally we only follow people who we can trust to be leaders of the tribe, the BEST of us.
This is probably why the country is so fucked up. We have a bunch of pussies that no one would ever actually listen to somehow getting elected into office. Not that I believe politics is real but maybe if we had a bunch of men with balls in charge we would be alot better off.
But that’s a topic for another day. Most people aren’t worth listening to and that’s totally fine. Listen to what your gut tells you about someone and then be very slow to change your opinion unless that person proves otherwise.
Everyone has a different vibe for a reason. Your gut picks up on that and that’s why for seemingly no reason we like or don’t like someone. It comes down to resonance.
As Napoleon Hill wrote in his work Think and Grow Rich we only know two things that exist, energy and matter.
Most people thing energy, ‘vibes’ and all that is a crock of hooey. That’s what I used to think. But then hearing people at the highest level, billionaires and such talking about energy started waking me up to this fact.
Everyone resonates. Everyone has energy. So wouldn’t it make sense that we can pick up on this and detect it from people who resonate on the same or different wavelength as us?
Its why you can become instant friends with the gym bro or why the homeless man staring at you from the sidewalk gives you the creeps. It’s literally different energy.
The more you pay attention to this, the better you will start to understand the world and how we humans operate between each other.
At a base level this is why people are so quick to choose sides and form tribes even on social media. Energy is a split second decision and we can feel what we are attracted to and want to listen to.
This is why everyone should voice whatever the fuck they think in whatever way they want.
Most people, in fact 99% of people won’t care about you or what you have to say, but even 1% of 1% can still mean millions of people. So if you’re someone who has something to say, don’t give a fuck about what the 99% of what other people say.
Their thoughts are literally irrelevant. They will never be persuaded or think like you because their mind operates at a different vibration. Most people are fat, sick, slow and stupid. They operate at far lower levels of energy than you or I.
Say what you want and what you feel and your audience will find you. This is the best and most surefire way to build a “personal brand”. As overused as that term is, it does ring true because it’s people who resonate with you and your message over others.
For example is let’s say you sell something on the internet.
You can sell the exact same thing as another person but because you say things in a different way, and have a different energy about you, some people will prefer you over the other guy.
These are your people and the people who vibe with him are his people.
So start saying shit and attract people to your words like iron to a magnet. Have balls and say what you think, you will be very surprised at who else was feeling or thinking the same thing, but now you had the guts to say it.
This is how you become a leader. This is how you build a brand. This is how you get people moving with you on the same mission.
Guard your energy at all costs my friend. It is the essence of you.
Until next time, your man
-Spencer Claeys