Why Information Is Not The Answer

Information in and of itself is worthless.

You could hand someone the world’s best deadlift program, or the exact blueprint to how to build a million-dollar business, yet without actually doing something, nothing happens.

You need to start thinking about the world in terms of energy.

Information is potential energy. Much like a car battery, it has the potential to be useful but until it is hooked up to something and turned on, it will just sit there and do nothing.

As such I see so many people buying books and courses and then complaining that ‘the course didn’t work” when the person put zero energy into the fulfillment of the set upon goal.

That’s like buying the above battery and letting it sit in the garage and then complaining that it “doesn’t work when by definition it does work, you just haven’t allowed it to.

Without you putting energy in, you will get nothing out.

Stop putting so much value on information, and much more emphasis on the actual implementation.

Paradoxically that is what is the most important, and why some people with room temperature IQs can beat the pants off supposedly “smart” people.

Actual work and implementation will always beat ‘potential’ work.

Do the work my friend.

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