From the Desk of Spencer Claeys
Subject: Why You Should Never Listen To “Advice”
Look around you.
Really look.
How many people do you know that are in a position that you truly envy?
People that have really achieved everything you desire.
Your perfect idea of a fulfilling life.
Probably none.
I certainly don’t know anyone like that personally.
Yet so many people daily like to give me their opinion on what I should be doing.
And when I look back on my life,
I can say that honestly, I have never gotten good advice from anyone in my entire life.
This isn’t to say I haven’t heard, read, or been told good and interesting things.
It’s that none of it mattered.
Because every person on earth already knows exactly what they want.
You know it.
I know it.
It may be buried deep within you.
You will have to let it fight to come out.
But once you stop suppressing what you want, and let it empower you, great things will happen.
Like an unstoppable tidal wave, you will know exactly what actions to take, and what direction to head.
For years I used to listen and nod my head when people gave me advice.
Parents. Friends. Family.
Everyone always has an opinion on what you’re doing.
But what do they know anyway?
I know with 100% certainty what I want.
I want to be free.
To be healthy.
To be rich.
I don’t need anyone to tell me what to do next.
When I used to work menial jobs, went to college, and drank alcohol, no one said otherwise.
They encouraged it.
“College is necessary!”
“Having a job with a retirement is the way to go!”
“You’re not drinking!? What’s wrong with you?”
People will never understand when you choose to rebel and walk your own path.
And that’s fine.
No problem.
But what you must not tolerate is the words they use to try and drag you back.
Like a thousand tiny threads used to hold back a giant, one by one they try and stop you.
I’ve spoken about this before, and how rather than see you succeed, most would rather see you fail.
So they don’t feel bad about themselves failing.
When someone who knows you sees you succeed, it actually makes them feel uncomfortable because they could have done the same things.
Taken the same actions.
Had the same priorities.
But they didn’t.
So instead they would rather that no one exceed them.
And this is human nature.
Nothing you can do.
Except ignore, plug your ears, and move on.
And never listen to the words of these people that they masquerade as “advice”.
You already know what you want.
So go get it.
From your man,
Spencer Claeys